Dr. Gurien Demiraqi

Demiraqi Dental, Tirana

Gurien Demiraqi graduated in dentistry than specialized in Oral surgery and Implantology with DDS, and OMF Surgery, in Germany. Is pedagogue and lecturer in oral and OMF surgery; oral anesthetics and implantology and from 2009-2015 was chef of OMF surgery cathedra in the Dentistry Department, Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Albanian University.

Holds a Master and PhD in Oral Implantology. He is an International Speaker, Organizer of courses and Opinion Leader of several dentistry firms. He is Author/coauthor of many articles concerning OMF surgery, orthodontics, endodontics, implantology and Board editor of several scientific magazines. He is inventor of the “Sticky Tooth” grafting material and co-inventor of the Baruti-Demiraqi approach. Hi is Visiting professor at Universal School of Health in University of California.