Edlira Baruti Papa
Edlira Baruti Papa graduated in Dentistry from Faculty of Medicine of Tirana, Albania and specialized in Orthodontics and holds a PhD in Orthodontics from Istanbul Universitetsi Dishekimligi Fakultesi Ortodonti Ana Bilim Daligi, Turkey in 2005. She was pedagogue and lecturer of Orthodontics at American University of Tirana from 2010-2014 and pedagogue and lecturer at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Medical Sciences of Tirana from 2015-2018. She is an international Speaker in orthodontics. She is author and coauthor of several articles in Albanian and international magazines concerning orthodontics and combination of it with surgery.
She is co-inventor of the Baruti-Demiraqi approach, a PAOO enhancement technique with hard and soft tissue grafting protocol. She was awarded Top 100 Doctor in Dentistry in 2022 by the Global Summits Institute GSI. She is cofounder and vice-president of Albanian Orthodontic Association (AOA), Balkan Association of Orthodontic Specialist BAOS, European Federation of Orthodontics EFO, World Federation of Orthodontists WFO.
From 2005 she is the owner of Edlirdent Orthodontics Clinic and consultant in several dental clinics in Tirana. Also, she works as orthodontist of the maxillo-facial unity of Salus Hospital in Tirana.