Professor Marian V. Constantinescu

Prof, DDS, MSc, PhD
Stomatology Edu Journal

Dr. Marian V. Constantinescu is an educator, administrator, researcher and specialist in dental prosthesis. He introduced neuromuscular dentistry (1980) and biopostural medicine (1995) into education and clinical practice.

He obtained his DDS (1973) and his PhD (1999) from the Carol Davila University of Bucharest. At the end of the internship (1975), he began his teaching career. He became Professor and Head of Department in 2009.

He managed the Clinical Hospital of OMF Surgery in Bucharest (1998-2008).

He continued his Occlusion and Posturology training in France, Italy and Austria; he was a Visiting Professor in Oral Rehabilitation (Lombard University of Milan, 1998) and in Posturology (University of Palermo, 2004). He was elected to the WG of the ERO-FDI (Population Aging, Integration). He is Editor-in-Chief of the Stomatology Edu Journal. He is the author and co-author of more than 10 books, 200 articles and 300 communications and lectures national at home and abroad.